Friday, November 14, 2008

Hark, an otyugh!

Been working on non-cute, D&D-esque monsters lately too. Here's my first one, an otyugh. Otyughs are Dungeons & Dragons monsters that live in refuse piles and collect treasure. I'm kind of a junk hoarder myself, so I can relate.

I finished this dude a while back, but it took me a long time to get pictures and transfer them to where I could post them. It's a prototype (his eyestalk doesn't stand up on its own... oops), but full of valuable lessons for the next round.

A guy I played Living Forgotten Realms with a few weeks ago told me sight unseen that he would buy a handmade plush otyugh. I hope there's more like him!


Coujones said...

where's the rss feed? you're leavin' me high and dry, quick.

My name is Jeff. said...

I don't know which buttons to press to make that work. I'll investigate soon!